If you are having difficulty making your mortgage payments, one of the most important things you can do is be proactive. Here are some steps you can take to avoid foreclosure.
Step 1: Review the terms and conditions of your mortgage
Get refreshed on the terms of your contract, and learn more about the foreclosure process.
Step 2: Make an appointment with us
Our loan representatives are ready and willing to sit with you to discuss all available options.
Step 3: Gather your financial documents
You will need the following documents when you meet with your loan representative to discuss options for avoiding foreclosure:
Step 4: Contact a certified housing counseling agency
Contact the Washington State Homeownership Information Hotline at (877)894-4663 or visit http://www.dfi.wa.gov/homeownership to find a HUD-approved counselor in your area.
Here are some additional resources available in Washington for those who cannot make their mortgage payments and are facing foreclosure.
The Department of the Treasury and the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington State Department of Financial Institutions
HUD Housing Counseling Washington State